

Microchipping is a legal requirement for all dogs over the age of eight weeks and from 10th June 2024 for all cats over the age of twenty weeks.

We charge £16!

  • Using Petlog’s online services, you can record pet and owner details instantly and also reunite a missing pet with their owner at the click of a button, saving you time and money but most importantly reuniting missing pets with their owners quickly.
  • The Petlog dedicate found line for authorised agents is open 24/7 365 days a year and based in the UK – that means it’s always easy to contact us.
  • Petlog is linked to the European Pet Network, which includes 32 databases working together giving your customers the best chance of finding their pets wherever they are lost, even in another country.
  • Petlog is managed by the Kennel Club – a trusted name in animal welfare.
  • Petlog protects and preserves the privacy and integrity of the data it holds and is ISO9001 and ISO27001 compliant.
  • Petlog will not market the data of owners.
  • Petlog defers income to ensure that it meets its lifetime service promise to customers.

Each Tracer Advance microchip is slightly larger than a piece of long grain rice.

It sits safe and comfortably under your pet’s skin, and is coded with a unique number that can be read by a scanner when passed over the microchip.

For more information see www.tracer-microchips.co.uk