

In males, neutering is called castration, and in females its called spaying.

The operations are carried out as day procedures. In males the testicles are removed, and in females the ovaries and womb are removed.

Why you should neuter your pet

We highly recommend that clients speak to their vet for advice if they are considering neutering their pet.

Neutering involves surgically preventing pets from reproducing. Both operations are carried out under general anaesthetic.

Neutering can have benefits for you and your cat or dog including:

* Neutering males and females stop unwanted pregnancies and resulting litters

* Neutering stops or reduces the chances of your pet getting certain diseases such as testicular or ovarian cancer, womb infections and prostate disease

* In some cases, particularly with male cats, it can reduce certain behaviours such as marking territories, roaming and fighting

If you would like to discuss any aspects of neutering or would like to arrange an appointment to neuter your pet, please contact us on 01274 884065 (Queensbury) or 01422 209999 (Hipperholme)